For some families, additional services or care may be necessary to address the issues at home and at school.
Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS) are designed for youth 6-17 who are chronically truant, runaway, and ungovernable, are court involved or are likely to enter the petition process, and may require more intensive and lengthy services. These services are referred through the local Case Staffing Committee or may be Court Ordered. Services to youth shall be provided during traditional and non-traditional business hours in communities, homes and schools and shall connect youth and families to a coordinated, comprehensive array of services that meet their ongoing needs. These are CINS/FINS youth that may likely be receiving services in Shelter or Non-Residential services with little success.
The goal of this service is to prevent the youth from going any further into the DJJ or DCF system, maintain regular school attendance, and appropriate living situation.