About Us
The Florida Network of Youth and Family Services, Inc. (the Florida Network) is a not-for-profit statewide association representing 29 agencies that serve homeless, runaway and troubled youth ages six and older and their families.
For more than 40 years, the Florida Network has provided services as a "Children and Families in Need of Services" (CIN/FINS) agency, as defined by Florida Statute, in order to prevent juvenile delinquency and encourage good choices and healthy family relationships.

The Florida Network values young people
and therefore creates safe pathways to their future
by building strong families and communities.
Florida will be a safe place where all young people
reach their full potential.
Core Values
We are committed to keeping youth and families
together and to strengthening family systems.
We are dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of
practice within our programs and our organization.
Youth Development
We value young people as vital resources and
partners in finding solutions. We cultivate a young
person's strengths and assets in all of our programs
and services.
Safety and Support
We believe prevention and early intervention services are powerful, not only in keeping young people from committing crimes and families from being unsafe, but as catalysts for youth to realize their full potential and make a successful transition to adulthood.
We value the collective wisdom, energy and expertise that working together as member agencies affords us in striving towards our vision, adhering to our mission and reaching our common goals.
We believe the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts in making Florida a safer place for children and their families.